Friday, October 18, 2013

@online...I'm going to be staying here on this task for a while.

Still over 17,500 photos. :(
It's amazing how much time and emotions clearing through photographs can take up. I still have to delete another 7500 photos to reach my target... almost as bad as my email-flood (which is still work in progress). But I suppose I should still celebrate. After all, I have deleted almost 500 random, blurry, and unnecessary photos. From this day forward, I've decided to no longer take pictures of food unless it is a purely function shot (for research/idea generation purposes). It is astounding how many "oh, I ate that!" photos I have... and so many of mundane normal foods. =_=

Other than clearing through the iPhotos today, I also cleared through another box of random documents in the office and hopefully have started a little cleaning movement for the office to get tidier. My administration director especially needs a new revamp to her space.

Tomorrow, clearing out MINDSPACE is the plan.

I plan to prioritize clearing out my work intra-email (the one with the 1400 mails in the inbox) and getting some action on some of the projects I've been procrastinating on, and finishing some of the irritating projects that I've been irrationally fearing to start - worrying that I might not be able to do them well due to the tremendous size of them. Mindspace is a precious thing that needs to be protected. Having it filled with worries and anxieties and "to do"s that have been on the list for a long time can be really disconcerting.

Today, I've discovered that I also seem to have a period of "distractedness" sometime in the afternoon around 2-4pm which my brain pretty much surrenders and tells me it needs a break...perhaps it's my "work saturation point". I need to somehow fill with some sort of repetitive or active work that doesn't require too much brainwork. For those two hours tomorrow, I plan to either clear the office stationery cabinet or do something creative to occupy my mind.

Okay, time to sleep! Tomorrow is another day and with all the work I'm planning to do, I need all the rest I can get.

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