Monday, October 28, 2013

@online: still going at it

After three hours of trying to tackle what seems like a never-ending iPhoto mountain of images  - shifting, organizing, deleting - I'm still at 17.2K photos!

Why is this taking so looooonnggg....
It's a long and tiring process really - going through so many memories. I've amazed myself with how much I remember with regards to the significance of different photos and the memories tied to each one of them (ranging from where and when I got them, or where and when I took them, to who I showed them to, to what the reactions were...). I suppose with all the activity going on in my head, having been able to get rid of 300 more photos was probably somewhat of an accomplishment.

There is such a thing as emotional fatigue when it comes to cleaning (which is really quite different from laziness or procrastination), and at some point I did hit that wall. I tried fighting it by moving with my laptop to another environment in hopes to get some encouragement to fight the fatigue, but when I realized I was starting to linger too long at certain photos, I knew it would have been a more productive use of my time to move on to another task altogether. As so:

I'll admit I didn't exactly do a stellar job with the drawers, but considering I only gave myself an hour on this area and that pretty much everything in the drawers weren't mine (and I had to sort them as I went along), I was pretty proud for how much I did throw out. There were four other drawers but the photos didn't turn out too good. :( Still, it was a good productive breakaway.

My main springcleaning thought for this week has been "How do I make a sustainable system in my home and office so that I don't have constantly be cleaning up a specific place?" Things can move very quickly (see: deteriorate) in a house with seven other people - especially when the group includes two guys, one hoarder, two other women who have a ton of stuff of their own... then there's Y who's my perfect partner in getting the house in order (a little task at a time). As I reflected on my efforts to keep my house in order, I realized that I've been in a constant clean-deteriorate-clean-deteriorate cycle (which can be really quite emotionally tiring after a while). 

Work has been tremendously busy, but I've still been trying to keep decluttering as one of my priorities. In fact, this past week I challenged my Operations team to 5S the whole factory - one area at a time. If you're not familiar with the 5S system, it's basically a lean management system which was developed in Japan to support efficient "Just In Time" manufacturing. What I love most about it is that the first step starts with the elimination of everything unnecessary...then there are the parts about making sure everything meets my mildly-OCD standards.
This week, Whilst the Ops-team will be busy with the red-tagging, and we happily make big donations to our nearest Salvation Army, I'll be continuing with the decluttering and organizing the paperwork in my office. Last week, I believe I must have shredded at least a thousand sheets of unnecessary (outdated, duplicated, trash) paperwork in the office and it felt amazing! And tomorrow, I'll be back to the ploughing! It's truly amazing how much rubbish can build up over 25 years.

Springcleaning priorities for the week:
  1. Watch over the Operations-team's 5Sing of the factory
  2. Continue clearing out paperwork on my side unit and in the accounts cabinet. Lots of paperwork to put together...especially with the closure of the year.)
  3. Clear out at least another 500 photos from iPhoto (to 16.8K). Yes, I'm going to take it one step at a time.
  4. Clear out 1500 emails across the board (yes, I'm going to be ruthless with them this week...especially that I've taken over two other email boxes this past week and decided to start looking into my SPCG mail too!)

That should be challenging enough for the week.

Current email standing (ARGH, these mails are creeping up on me!)
  • Personal Gmail Standing (Was: 238, Now: 283)
  • Work Gmail (Was: 398, Now: 407)
  • Work Intramail (Was: 1393, Now: 1408) 
  • Work Sales Intramail: (383)
  • Work Marketing Intramail: (263)
  • Work YahooMail (Was: 199, Now: 205)
  • SPCG Mail (51)
  • Previous Total: (Was: 2228, NOW: Exactly 3000!)

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