Tuesday, October 27, 2009

project overload

This is part of what I've been doing for the past few days...
LOTS of measuring, drawing, thinking, and planning for movement/replacement.

Sorry, I know it has been quiet here... a little quieter than I wish I could prevent. I meant to write a post regarding the garage sale - what it looked like, the people who came, plans for the next one... but I've been so uber busy!

The only explanation I have for the silence is that I have been overloaded with springcleaning projects...and yes, projects that are all linked to one another - the moving storage area that I have been writing about, as well as two more areas where all the items from the moving storage area are shifting to. The problem is that both these two new areas are in disarray! Disarray meaning that I have to declutter these two areas to make space! Did I also mention that one of these spaces so happens to be about 7x4 meters (almost 400 square feet packed with a seemingly insurmountable number of things.)? 

Here's a small glimpse of my almost 400 square feet storage area: 

Yes, it's that area with all the boxes and...things.
And yes, there has to be a floor somewhere around that area.

For the past two times that I've been in this place trying to purge and measure the area, I literally tell people "I'm off to battle". 

But this project is seriously not a joke... cause it has challenges of a very different kind. For one, the whole "meeting new 6-or-more-legged friends has not been an issue at all. Other than the occasional spider, insects have been very rarely sighted. My thoughts on it: it's WAY too hot up there in this area for insects to feel comfortable enough to start families or colonies of some sort. You probably can't see it clearly, but this area is situated above a kitchen. 

The equation is quite simple: 
Kitchen = cooking = heat. 
Heat = hot air = rising hot air accumulating in high areas (i.e. the storage area).

The challenges I've been facing have instead mainly been that of working under such uncomfotable environments. Within minutes of simply being in the area, perspiration is inevitable, and I literally have to constantly remind myself to drink enough water to keep from fainting altogether. Especially with all the lifting, carrying and shoving we do, organizing company storage areas can be quite a workout. A workout coupled with immense heat creates a situation of very quick water loss which one may not realize when you're so focused hard at work.

Today, after quite a fruitful day with Y (my amazing organizing and declutter extrodinaire and househelper), I came back completely exhausted. Even right now, my body is complaining and I can literally hear my muscles whining about how much I should just head off to sleep and recover.

The next two days are set to be interesting as I plan to take down the shelves from out moving storage area and bring them to HQ. The whole process has been a very challenging and different experience as I've had to measure almost everything - from floor plans (walls heights and lengths, checking electrical outlets and the like), to furniture, to all sorts of main storage items. I've had to think about work flow, usage patterns, and in creating areas that'd work in the long run. Not to mention that I have to choose which furnitures I should keep and which I should sell away/get rid off altogether. It's been quite physically and mentally stretching (because of all the logistics and planning that has had to be done), but I suppose I enjoy challenges.

I seriously can't wait for the "After" pictures... especially that of the empty moving storage room. That'd be uber rewarding.

Alright, off to sleep. The body needs all the rest it can get right now for the huge task ahead.

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