Tuesday, November 03, 2009

project updates

Welcome to my current "normality" in life

Gosh, I can't believe it's November already. What a week it has been - with major moving and cleaning, and having to juggle new job responsibilities. There has been a lot of shifting in logistical schedules, but finally, tomorrow is the day that we take down the wooden shelves and move them over to HQ. Hopefully, that would speed up the organizational process and get us back on track with the cleaning and moving.

Here are some long-overdue bits that I finally found time to put together:

Yes, I even put up a packing station in case people bought glass/ceramics. 
And yes, those we my pathetic cookies...better planning next time. :)

THIS was my pride and joy of the day though (after we moved everything out to be sold):

Clean empty shelves = PURE euphoria.
Especially after seeing what it used to look like

This is another shot of the same area at one time:

(The space is actually all messy now again though because we had to shift all that was left after the garage sale back in. :( But it will get better! These are also the same shelves we'll be moving tomorrow. Can't wait!

About the new project, here are the three other areas that I've been tasked to tackle:

And as per normal, boxes and boxes of random stuff, pure disorganization, and all sorts of "friends" await. 

I seriously can't wait to get the shelves moved and see all these areas in proper order.
And I can't wait for the BIG celebration once I get that settled.
(Especially that I will finally be able to get back to investing time with the home-projects)

I'm working on an online garage sale album and prolly going to get some up on ebay.
The next garage sale is most likely scheduled the week after next
Details will be released on Thursday - once I can have a better estimation of how much more needs to be done after the shelves are moved and set up.

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