Sunday, October 18, 2009

project move-out : : Update

Another great day of cleaning. It actually started really slow, but as visitors came and the size of the task seemed to grow bigger and bigger with each apology of what a mess the place was, I couldn't help but be increasingly motivated to get as much done as possible.

I think somewhere along the way, I've developed a habit of taking pictures of places that I really want to get accomplished. I almost swear by the before-and-after picture-taking process because I find myself working harder and faster simply to get a nice "after" shot to share.

This was today's:

It might not look like a lot, but there was tons I had to sort through...

As so:

Tons of cake rings and pans and shells and moulds and all sorts.

And more stuff here:

I eventually decided to leave most of these cutters in their boxes because chances are, that I'm not going to sell them away as yet. There's a ton of other stuff in the room that has to go first. Instead, I emptied out a few that were filled with randoms, and stacked the rest away nicely to make room for other things.

The shelves are properly organized now, though I haven't even quite dealt with those drawers yet. I'll prolly tackle them sometime later next week, but this is a drawer that's of interest to one of my visitors today. :)

Found your wooden moulds! :)

Now to price them...argh, more research I have to do.

Other than some nice visitors that came in for first-dips today, it was just another cleaning day...

Then again, there was that one incident where I met with a new fiend - a lizard. Honestly, I thought I had experienced them all: ants, termites, roaches and strange nesting things, but today it was a LIZARD. No, it wasn't alive. And yes, I could tell it wasn't alive for a while (because all that was left of it seemed to be a shell of its body).

How I found it? I decided to be OCD about the area and sweep even in the area under the shelves. Yes, I yelped. And no, I didn't take a picture of it. As the body, with the unintentional quick outward sweep of my broom from under the shelf, pretty much shot out, all I wanted to do was to get it into a bin and out of sight. I seriously couldn't wait to get rid of it as quick as possible. However, the darn carcass of the annoying household reptile refused to make the process quick and painless! 

The events were as such:
1. Position dustpan
2. Position broom
3. Sweep lizard into dustpan
4. Sigh of relief that lizard is in the dustpan
5. Normal exit-swing motion of broom out of the dustpan to conquer other bits of dust around
6. Find that the lizard carcass is out of the dustpan and STUCK IN THE BRISTLES OF MY BROOM
7. Yelp!
8. Quickly try to sweep it back in
9. Lizard still stuck in bristles! 0_o"
10. Shake Shake Shake of broom, lizard refuses to budge. 
11. Sweep in, Sweep out, Sweep in, Sweep out = Lizard in, Lizard out, Lizard in, Lizard out. ARGH.
12. Small panic. Pray that God help to make the process easier.
13. Lizard carcass finally shook loose and was resting somewhere in the deep recesses of the dustpan.
14. Thank God.

Seriously, prayer works. I'm glad God cares about the small things in life too.

Honestly, I'm usually quite okay with lizards because I hate spiders more (there's just something about having WAY too many legs and eyes that kinda freaks me out), but today's events were just gross and mildly frightening. Bad lizard, Bad!

Other lessons learned today:

Do NOT wear white branded shirts when working on an organizing project in a dusty room where there are dusty boxes you'll need to carry that have great potential to ruin your shirt.
No. No. No.

Album update: 
There were so many things I wanted to conquer today I didn't get the time to prepare the freecycling album. I'll prolly open that for collection next week along with the garage sale (that I really hope I will be able to confirm and make in time!). In the meantime, the new 887 Garage Sale album is still open, so feel free to take a look. Some items are already gone, so reserve your items soon if you want anything alright? Just email me at Will be uploading more pictures over the course of the week.

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