Saturday, October 10, 2009

project major springclean : : update

So tis the last night of project major springclean before the other half of the family returns home. There's much to do tonight to set the house in order so that the mother doesn't freak out at the mess. 

Reflecting back on the past week of work, I'm pretty proud of myself of how much I have accomplished in just one week - including the storeroom (the cabinets and all sorts of things lying around), the console cabinets, 6 large drawers, the crockery cabinets, and the kitchen (with the oven and crockery cabinets, something like 10 drawers, the freestanding unit, the top of the shelves and fridge, and the latest addition from today as shown below):

(I forgot to take pictures of the "After" But I can assure you they're looking well organized. :))

In general, drawers tucked away are very susceptible places for clutter...actually, drawers, in general are dangerous if not taken care of well. Today, I conquered these two drawer units. And goodness, were they really messy inside!

There's much to do tonight, and I suppose it's a great thing the family is coming back on a Sunday - since Sundays are my goal-setting days. The house is obviously not completely in order yet. The day that I see light at the end of the tunnel will probably be the day I tackle organizing the home library, of which, if you've seen some of my pictures, you'd know would be quite a task. 

Well, in case you didn't see them bookshelves, here is a shot of a fifth of the library:

I've tried to overcome it once, and yes, it took forever, but I never really got a chance to create a sustainable system. 
Drat it. However, looking forward, the day I tackle and finish it will be a very happy day.
Then there's the CD collection that's also a killer...but we're going one step at a time now.

Right then, off to tidy up.
I'm probably also going to get out a little later for some chocolate to celebrate a very fruitful week. :)

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