Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The 20-hour e-cleaning round up.

It has been a whole day of clearing emails... and this is the round up:

Personal Gmail
Inbox: 118 56 
Drafts: 18 9

Spam: 47
Previous Result: 109 in Inbox
Cleared: 62+9+47=128 mails
Work Gmail
Inbox: 75 18

Previous Result: 146 in Inbox
Cleared: 75-18=57 mails
Work Intramail
Inbox: 921

Previous Result: 1130 in Inbox
Cleared: 921-894=27 mails

Work Sales Intramail
Inbox: Was: 402 
Capacity: 71% 60%

Previous Result: 383 in Inbox
Cleared: 402-378=24 mails
Work Marketing Intramail
(Was: 254, Now: ?) Work in Progress
Work Projects IntraMail
Inbox: 691
Capacity: 68%

Cleared: 691-262=429 mails

Work YahooMail
Inbox: 472 unread alone
All read, cleared a TON!
Drafts: 57 7
Spam: 140
Trash: 299
Folders: 3599 3302
Previous Result: 243 in Inbox
Cleared: 472+50+140+297=959 mails

SPCG Mail (Was: 0, Now: 0) Yay!

TOTAL E-cleaning Tally: 1624 mails
Can't believe I only cleared 1624 mails...took me forever!
But I guess I have to give myself some credit considering that I not only was deleting, but also replying, forwarding and archiving. AND that comparing to the previous results of the earlier springclean exercise, things have been onward and upward. :)
For the rest of this week, I'll be trying to clear more of the Intra-mails, as well as the iPhoto, Dropbox, and Mac overloads... My laptop is bursting at the seams and I just need to get it all cleaned out so that everything will work happily and properly again. 

Not to mention that I have WAAAaaay too many apps on my iPhone that I really don't need.
Maybe it's a fight against the deeper roots in my life that are somewhat sucking me dry. But right now, I'm in some sort of zone where I just want to get to complete Zen... to just clear out all the clutter and have the bare minimum in my life. Just to clear out all the electronic, physical, social and emotional clutter...Then maybe I'll start getting into yoga and growing terrariums or something.
Okay, at least I think I took a few steps forward today...1624 little steps.

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