Wednesday, October 21, 2009

project move-out : : the way things look now. :)

Hurrah, things are looking nice and organized now! :)

Thought I'd share the current "store organization" so you'd know where to locate what... although I might set them outside on tables instead cause there's just SO much and I don't know how many people are coming.

Still, here are some sneak peaks of the stashes "in store" - garage-sale-store, that is:

Lots of trays and moulds.
All of them going at a dollar each.

These are the $2 and $3 piles. :)

Not enough bakeware? 
Here's more:

Most of them are under $10.

More moulds for doughs, jellies, chocolates, and candies:

Only the Ikea ones are 2 for $3 (which is still a steal), the rest are also all going for a dollar each.
Some of those chocolate moulds were up to $20+ a pop!

And all these are just a little bit of everything else. :)

Oh! And of course, there's the FREE pile:

Yay for free things. :)

ALOT more to do tomorrow.
Man, I hope we can make it in time!

Gotta remember to get those cookies prepared too...

Uploaded more items in the albums...
including this:

No, I'm not selling everything...just the two wooden bookshelves.
(I promise to take a better photo when I clear those items out tomorrow. :P)
I'm selling them at $30 each or $50 if you take both.

Yes yes, I know they used to cost almost 200 bucks, but we have to clear out to move-out!

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