Tuesday, October 06, 2009

project major springclean : : kitchen treats!

Finally! After SUCH a long time, I got the pictures and captions and all up...well, for half the things at least. 

Hopefully everything will be cleared out soon. I had to price some of the things though as they were new... and also cause the album is open to freecyclers and I didn't want people just using the medium as a place to buy things for cheap to resell (instead of it going to someone who might really need it). I like to bless people and their families and their lives... more so than just for business. :)

Honestly, if I really wanted to make money out of these things, it might be better for me to put them on ebay, but I figure that that would miss the point of me blessing others. :)

There's a ton of stuff... and a lot of nice (and new) stuff too: 

These are the two most ridiculously priced items:

The 28 piece combine set is going at $10 and the good omelet pan is going for $25 (I think it was originally $40). 0_o

You can check out the album here or just click in on the sidebar.

Let's hope everything goes over the next few days!

Post edit: 
There are now two albums so that I could open the album to freecyclers. Had to move the priced items elsewhere. :) The albums are here and here.

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