Wednesday, September 16, 2009

project one : : shelf update

Here was how the health of our tall shelf was:

Clutter galore.
(I think I should start a counter of how many times I use this phrase)

And here is how it is now...

The organization of the shelves have changed - including a full shelf each for the sisters, and a full language shelf. The vanity things have also been moved away to make space for the administrative things. More books will be cleared away when we come to the book-edition of Thursday Treats (i.e. the day I go through the family library and see what we can give away). I'll suppose I have to schedule that soon.

And now to work on the other side of the room which is quite a big mess now with all the furniture and item shifting. There are a few processes that will need to be smoothed out, but it will be accomplished soon enough! :)

And just to give you a glimpse of the task ahead. here's my sister's new space... (Yes, this was taken on one of her messiest of nights since moving into the new space).
And Yes, that's a ton of things spilling onto her bed - which means she needs more space for her paperwork/books. I shall need to find some for her. We shall have to factor this into the choice of the vanity table which will be placed diagonally behind her.

And here's the big table with a bajillion things.
This is also the area for our akan datang vanity table.
Observing the things beginning to be left here are giving me clues to the needs of this area - such as the need for a place for my sisters to put their bags/purses. I just hope I'll be able to find a good solution to our needs.

Alright, Slow and steady...
One item at a time.

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