Monday, October 17, 2016

Minimalism Journey: Clothes Count

Today's the day I finally deleted my Pokemon Go app. It was such a relief finally being able to have space on my phone to update all my apps and clear off the irritating alert bubble. Finally, no more alert bubbles on my phone. It feels pretty liberating. Now all that's left is to look into the photos, delete off old messages, clear my notes, and look into the apps eating up space on my phone.

The family have been such troopers with the Love in a Bag donations and I'm excited for the "weight" it's going to take off the house. 

Interestingly, I've been putting on weight, and emotionally eating a lot more. Part of this exercise of minimization was expected to result in me having more control over my weight and eating habits, but I guess the process thus far has awakened a lot more anxiety in me than expected. It's an interesting season.

I finally did a count of my clothes.

Tops: 10
Tubes and Spaghettis: 5
Sweaters: 4
Shorts: 6
Skirts: 4
Dresses: 20
Batik Skirts: 8
Kebaya Top: 1
Pantsuit Jumper: 1
Trousers: 7
Peacoat: 1
Jackets: 5
Sleeved Shirts: 3
Wrapped Cardi: 1
Sleeping pants: 5
T-shirts: 9
Caps: 3
Total: 93

There's technically more with undergarments and tights... but I'll do another count after a full cull. I have so many pairs of socks it's ridiculous... I had too much fun at Primark in London. I might just own a couple more winter clothes too.

Whew... almost 100 pieces of clothing. How in the world am I going to cap everything I own at 300 at this rate.

I'm looking forward to making a full count of everything I own... I really wonder if I'll break at 2000 mark.

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