Monday, September 26, 2016

The X-hundred things challenge

It's been 6 months since I last wrote and it seems like I'm still on this journey of trying to springcleanmylife. Discipline is clearly still not quite my top trait... but I'm still working on it.

Today, after a week of spending time with some of the most inspiring of young entrepreneurs, and spending about a day and a half in bed about what exactly I am doing with my life, I decided to reboot this process... except that I realized that I probably needed a measurable goal - more than an emotional one. 

Thus, amongst all the other decluttering methods, I've decided to take stock of exactly what I own and then have a plan to downsize from there.

The logic is pretty simple. Just like in a computer game where you have an inventory bag (you know... like PotionX100, RazzberryX23, PokeballX200 :)) that you manage and are fully aware of, I reckon life should be similar by simplifying it within that structure. It's the same with financial management - it's important to know exactly what is coming in and going out and where it's going. Without that balance sheet, it's pretty hard to control and optimize that part of your life.

I'm guessing that I probably own about 2000 things (home and office inclusive) now...and we're going to bring that down to 700 (I think? For a start at least?). This non-transparency of exactly what I own is the reason for the title. I actually totally don't know how many items I have, and how many I can get rid of. But whatever it is, the final goal is probably to own just 300 items, but hey, let's be a little more conservative for a start. :)

Considering that I live in a room with my two sisters, I figured part of my strategy would need to be segmenting my stuff away from the sisters. That'd make things a little clearer of exactly what I own. 

Today I focused on the wardrobe and shoes and simply concentrated on 
1. Segmenting my stuff away from the sisters
2. Throwing away/Setting aside items that have past their expiry/don't "spark joy"
3. Putting aside things that require fixing
4. Tidying as I go

And this was the fruit of about 4 hours of work:

Wardrobe 1
All the hung dresses belong to my older sister. I moved out one of mine into my drawer.
I tried arranging them by colour.
Neatened the first drawer (which is shared by my two other sisters),
and tidied up my other two drawers.
Wardrobe 1 Drawer 1
This is the first shared drawer (between my two other sisters) that I tidied.
Cleared a whole load of crap that was hiding under those dresses.
None of my stuff is in this drawer anymore.

Wardrobe 1 Drawer 2 & 3
My stuff. I haven't taken stock yet...
but I have a whole load of batik skirts and dresses.
These drawers pretty much kept their neatness from the last post. :)

Wardrobe 2
Other than 3 shirts from here (which I've moved),
what's left in this wardrobe all belongs to my other two sisters.
I mainly made it a little neater...
They'll have to go through them themselves.
 I have learned that I have no right to control things that belong to others.
I can only control what's in mine. And I have FULL control of that.

Wardrobe 3
Everything that belongs to me is now shifted to the left.
Cleared all that rubbish at the bottom. :)
Clearing this cabinet made me happy.
I'm proud to say that I have a lot less items than I expected here. 

Wardrobe 3 Belt Drawer
Tidied the super messy belt pull-out.
Surprisingly, only that first left column belongs to me. Yes, all of 3 caps,
2 or 3 belts, and one fencing blade wire. :)

If you've been reading here for a while, you'd know that
I've been in constant battle with these bookshelves.
I just did some simple tidying today.
Unfortunately, I can only control my own cubbies (which is that third column).
I'll eventually come back to this when it's time to work on the paperwork & memorabilia
(I've decided to follow Marie Kondo's structure).
Hopefully some of my decluttering will rub off on my younger sister who owns that first free standing column shelf (and everything on it).

My Shoe DrawerI'm ashamed to say that I allowed my little shoe drawer
to fall into a somewhat disarray for the past couple of weeks... but it's much better now.
I threw out 3 pairs of shoes today. :))

I'll prolly do a inventory count at the end of this week. I know I have a couple of items that I'm having a little trouble letting go off, but I know they will eventually go when I'm limited to only the very few things I REALLY love.

My goal is to finish this process in the next 30 days (before my birthday on the 30th of October :)).
I'll have to work out a strategy for this process though. I think I'll throw the "throw" things as I go, donate the "donate" things every weekend, and post up the "sell" items at the end of this 30-day process.

This week I will tackle
1. @home: Jewelry
2. @home: Toiletries
3. @home: Bookshelves
4. @home: Stationery and random electronics (on my desk and in my office)
5. @home: Photos on my iPhone (because they are just taking up too much space)
6. @work: Work Emails (WAY too many), Desk, and some packaging stuff which has been cluttering up everywhere.
7. @home: Personal Administration and filing of bills.

I have no idea why I put all the work stuff in one category, but I think I'd like to just have 7 items instead of 9. Haha.

Thrown out (other than random scraps of rubbish):
Belt x1
Old fencing mask (which I need a replacement for) x1
Shoes x3
Misshapen underwear x2 (Why in the world did I keep these when they make my boobs look dented! #keepingitreal)

My "Donate" Stash
Belt x2
Trousers x1
Toiletries x1

My "Sell" Stash
Blouse x1
Leather Jacket x1
Necklace x2
New bottle of Perfume x1
Cap x1

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