Wednesday, February 25, 2015

I'm back! With a two hour clean up.

I'm back. After a year of hiding away, I'm back.

I had a major surgery in June last year and that was pretty much how long it has been since I have kept my life on track. My mail and room have been a total mess since and I have barely touched my house - which has been becoming a blackhole of STUFF (which things coming in from all the purchases of different members of the family). Not to mention that the size of my inbox which used to be something below a thousand has now ballooned to a monsterous 3000 mails. And that's only for ONE inbox. :(

Yesterday, after almost 6 months of this whirlwind, I told myself, "ENOUGH. Time to get life back in order."

So yesterday I started cleaning.

It started with deleting emails, then I moved on to the closet - one of the easier places to get in order. I went through the clothes I had and made some tough decisions to clear away items that just triggered bad memories with them - embarrassing/awkward situations (which I happen to have a lot of), memories with the ex, and just some clothes which I've been having love/hate type of relationships with. Then there are all these shirts/jackets which hold memories of times that I treasured - including extra curricular activities and past glories in my varsity days. It's time to just throw away all this negative energy in my room. It's time to LET GO and make room for new things. My bedroom should really be my sacred place. It's time to MOVE ON.

And this was the result of my two hour clean up. :)

There are some things that I realized I needed a little more time to really part with so I gave myself some grace to make those calls at a later time. But hopefully, by the end of the year, I would have been able to part with most of them that just don't add value to my life anymore.

Today I'm tackling paperwork. Going back 6 months and conquering the mountain of paperwork is going to be an uphill battle. It's tough, but not impossible.

From now onwards, I'm committing to half an hour of decluttering every day - no matter how small the area is. :) Wish me luck!