Saturday, October 05, 2013

@online 06.10.13

Okay, I know "@online" isn't as grammatically correct, but I just wanted to keep the theme.

Lesson learned: Never not check your emails for three months.
Just like a garden, without constant weeding and pruning, it'd be a jungle when you finally get to it.
And gosh does the state of my online mailbox feel like one now.

Even though I'm a woman, I've somehow never been one to be too good at multi-tasking. Having been away from home for a few months for some studies, and simply not being very good at mixing studies away and work and personal mails from home, meant that taking care of work and more home-based email whilst I was studying was pretty much impossible for me as I focused on my studies in the States. Unfortunately, what that did was accumulate literally thousands of emails spread over four (two personal and two work) email accounts. As so:

The personal email, though this was only one mailbox.
The other one has about 1000 mails.

The Yahoo Work Account

My direct personal work email was by far the worst. 1398!!!

Almost 3700 mails to sort through... though it's nothing that my trusty FAAD method can't work out and keep procrastination at bay, but it's still a feat. I'm guessing getting through this mess is going to take me about two solid non-procrastinating days...unless some replies take longer to process. I can't wait to get through to the end of the tunnel though! (I'm also already thinking how I shall reward myself when I get through all of them.)

I used to think that keeping my Inbox for each account to below 50 was acceptable, but I think that I'm going to challenge myself this time. I'm going to work with the target of having a maximum of 7 mails per inbox (which would mean a maximum of 28 pending mails in my life at any moment of time).

Why 7? I just like the number. (It's also a lot less daunting than 10 which could add up to a lot more when you have more mailboxes.)

Wish me luck!

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