Wednesday, October 02, 2013

@home 28.09.13

Just got back from a few months in the States and the first thing I did was clean (considering how my sisters (aka "The Messies") kinda trashed the place up. Here are some pics.

Not quite done yet, but I'll be sorting the nitty grits out over the weekend. At least the general bits are settled. The room feels so much lighter now. Gotta get the sisters to promise to work with me to straighten to room out (or at least their own stuff out). But it looks like another two rounds of decluttering, and we should be in much better (happier) shape.

It's amazing how people can really trash up your space so quickly. Returning back to work this Tuesday was a big shock for me. I left my office open for use whilst I was away, but what I came back to was not what I expected. I mean...look at the place!

And it's worse outside in the main area! Cleaning out my office will be my priority for the week. It's going to be a feat because of all the paperwork I will have to go through in the main office - I literally have boxes stuffed with random mixed paperwork that I found from when we sped-packed up for renovations - but I'm just going to utilize my trusty FAAD (Forward (to appropriate person to Act on it), Act, Archive, or Delete) method and hopefully I'll get through the paperwork jungle to a cleaner, brighter, decluttered happier workplace.

Can't wait for the before and after photos!

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