Tuesday, January 29, 2013

major springclean preparations

It's been a while since I've last written here as I've been writing in other places regarding other bits of my life that I've been straightening out.

Tomorrow's Springclean plan.
Organized and furnished with spaces
for recycling, for things that need fixing,
as well as a table for our vehicle to be parked for
easy loading of things to be given away. :)
I'm up late today and now find myself writing here as I'm organizing for a major springclean of my factory and preparing for some major renovations and office reorganization. I've been going through stacks of paper as I sketch out spaces...after lots of understanding of our operational processes, storage needs, strategic goals, budgets (argh! budgets!) and all sorts of other details that I've needed to put this whole project together. I've been planning the reorganization of walls (including considering which ones to hack and which to put up), the movement of different furniture, the reorganizing of their uses, measuring, imagining, planning colours and aesthetic detail...it's been quite the feat! I can't wait till it's all done though!

Tomorrow will be the day that my ops team, and VERY amazing helper, will be clearing out our upper store and outer storage cabinets. I'm so excited! I can't wait for the before and after pictures because I know that it will be such a blast - especially that we're finally ready to throw a whole bunch of things out/give them away. And what perfect timing - it's Chinese New Year springcleaning season! It's going to be such a workout! :)

The plan for tomorrow will be a major springcleaning of the two areas, then it'd be down to a lot of measuring of other areas and spaces - including our finishing room, pastry room, staff area, and the office - and some furniture fitting if we can get that done. Then it'd be planning for all the budgets, schedules, and springcleaning tasks for these two weeks before the festive season.

Will come back with the awesome transformation pictures.

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