Thursday, December 06, 2012

SPCG December 2012 Checklist

Sorry! Been so busy I forgot to post this!

After a busy month of November, I've taken quite a bit from the month of November in the spirit of Thanksgiving. There's just something about gratefulness for all things - the big and little - that is really nourishing for the soul.

So sorry that I'm posting this late that you might have to do a little cramming for the first few days of December (as will I =_=), but I promise to be more organized for January! I'm excited for December as we walk through the month of preparing for a fresh start next year. Out with the old, in with the new!

Looking forward to the setting of resolutions too! It makes me tremendously excited! :)

This is it.

DateDayExciting SpringCleanMyLife Task of the day!

Consolidate the cards you have written this week and post them!  (And check them off that list you made on the 24th as they are posted! It'll help keep you motivated to keep writing and finish!)
It’s time to start shopping for your 2013 Calendar or planner refills. Might as well scout around for Christmas presents too.
Make a list of the things that you'd like to do before the end of the year and in preparation for the upcoming festivities.
Make your Christmas Eve and Christmas Day plans today (e.g. make dinner bookings and set the date with your friends/loved ones). If you're hosting a Christmas party, remember to send the invites out today! Make sure you include the date, time, venue, directions, dresscode (if any), and anything else your guests need to know (like whether they need to bring food or drinks, or whether there are specific rules like "no-pets" or "no alcohol").
Tackle the closets today! Weed out outgrown childrens clothing or clothing that you don't quite like anymore or have not used in the past 6 months. Donate them to a worthwhile charity like the Salvation’s Army.
Declutter your emails. Unsubscribe from all the subscriptions that you don't really read/follow. Sort, and delete away everything you don't really need anymore. E-clutter is still clutter!
Finish and mail out all your Christmas cards! You'll be glad once they're all out!

8SATClean out your vehicle today. Give it a good vacuum and wipe the dashboards down.

Maximize your petrol consumption by dropping by the petrol station and get you water, oil, and tires checked too. If you don't have a vehicle, tackle an area in your house you've been wanting to declutter for a while.
It's Hanukkah! Light some candles in your favourite scents around the house and just enjoy a peaceful evening.
Check your calendar for any birthdays, anniversaries or special events for 2013 and transfer them into your new calendar/planner.
Go through your personal paperwork at home. Shred all the documents you don't need anymore and sort the rest. Prepare new ones for the new year.
Organize the photos and memories that you've taken this year and burn them into a CD. Consider which are the ones you'd like to print out for display or for your personal/family photo album. 
Finish up your Christmas shopping. You'd be glad you finished early. Print out those pictures whilst you're out.
Unclutter one hot spot in an area guests will see, such as a coffee table, dining room table, kitchen counter top or side table.
If you haven't already, wrap and label any holiday gifts. 
You'll be glad you started early!
If you're hosting the holidays at your house, make sure you start making food in advance. No stress!
Consolidate everything needed to host any celebrations at your house such as extra napkins, desserts, and other food items.
Start thinking about your goals and/or resolutions for 2013. Make sure they are "SMART" goals. Write each of them on an index card. Then sort the cards in order of priority. Remember to come up with the means you need to be able to accomplish them (e.g. If you need to join a gym or find a buddy for motivation to lose weight, make sure you write it down.)



Have a random pizza party (no turkey allowed!) and watch your favorite movie.
Finish up any homemade gifts (even cookies can be stored for up to 3 months in air-tight conditions). People will appreciate the effort you put into it.



Buffer Day! 
Do last minute tie ups for the festive season!
Have a holiday celebration with some of your friends. Go out for dinner, or simply for hot chocolate or coffee if you're on a tighter budget this year. 
Get in the car with your loved ones and check out all the holiday decorations in town. (Especially along the Orchard Road, Tanglin, and Marina Bay area.) 
Get out and join a Christmas countdown with friends. Sometimes getting into a jostling jolly crowd can be quite an experience. Alternatively, get out with your significant other and have a private countdown together somewhere.
Merry Christmas! May this day be a very blessed one for you and your family. Spend the day enjoying the people you love. Don't forget those who are far away from home too.



Relax! This is the day to do absolutely nothing. 



Send out thank you emails/SMSes for special gifts you received.



After all your Christmas cooking and baking, give your kitchen counters a good scrubbing.
Do a SpringClean activity of your choice! (Some suggestions: decluttering the computer files, cleaning out some drawers, or tackling the kitchen/bathroom cabinets.)
Sleep early today! You won't be getting as much tomorrow. (Not to mention you have to look your best for the New Year Party! (Or at least just to have the energy to cross over the New Year with loved ones.)
Review your new year's resolutions and get ready to follow them starting at midnight. Celebrate for the New Year is almost here!