Tuesday, September 15, 2009

project one : : wardrobe update

You know there are days where you realize that photos are very powerful motivational tools? 
Well, today was such a day for me.

From this:
Clothes are jumbled up, bags are squished, and a bajillion and one things crushed everywhere.

To this:
The clothes are organized by type, colour and height.
Things that did not belong in this area were removed and brought to new "homes".

The area on top of the drawers looked like this:
As you can see the things that don't belong, squished bags, lots of other squished things...

And now it looks like this:
All our bags are now sorted into 2 of those 3 drawers. 
The top drawer is for bandanas, scarves and caps. 
The second drawer is for small bags, purses and clutches.
The large drawer is for larger bags.

Here's a look at one of the drawers:
No more pulling everything in and out and not knowing where everything is. 

A tool that I found very handy in organizing this area was a belt organizer from Ikea
It's pretty isn't it? To think our previous storage "solution" was a square rattan basket! You have no idea how frustrating it was trying to pull everything out to find that one particular belt all jumbled in the basket. Now we can see exactly what we want, and know how to get it specifically and easily, as well as how to put it back (which is important for a sustainable system). 
The insides of the wooden drawers look a lot better now too...but I don't think it's appropriate to post underpants on anything public - even online..especially online. I mean, I even feel strange just seeing them hung out to dry on those bamboo poles. It's just strange seeing women's lingerie out in the open like that. Eww.


There's just one bag of belts (that white bag you see) and a box of scarves that we have to deal with, and we'll be done with this area. 
Cost of making the wardrobe a better place:
Ikea plastic drawer unit ($40)
Ikea belt organizers ($0, because we have had this lying around unused  for a while)
Ikea drawer oeganizers (that I used inside the drawers) ($12.95)
Total expenditure: $52.95 

For all the saved grunts, frustration and time, that's definitely worth it.

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